Canadian Veterans Advocacy

Friday, February 1, 2013

PTSD 101 Comorbidities and Complications

PTSD 101 Comorbidities and Complications

The presence of co-occurring conditions can increase the complexity of treating patients with PTSD. These courses address conditions that commonly go hand-in-hand with PTSD.

Anger, Aggression and PTSD

This course provides a review of the literature that describes the prevalence of anger and aggression in patients with PTSD and the interaction between anger and PTSD symptoms.

The author reviews the 2010 VA/DoD Guideline for treating anger and PTSD and describes a clinical application.

Author: Casey Taft, PhD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Understand the association between PTSD and anger/aggression
   2. Review the 2010 VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for treating anger and PTSD
   3. Describe a clinical application for Anger, Aggression, and PTSD: Strength at Home

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Read the brochure (PDF) required for this course, which lists specialties that may receive credit. See more on CE Credits.

Functional Impairment and PTSD

In this PTSD 101 course, the presenter aims to help providers understand the interaction between PTSD and functional impairment and make informed decisions when choosing assessment measures.

The course also reviews the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline (2010) recommendations for assessing functional impairment in people with PTSD.

Author: Brian P. Marx, PhD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Understand how PTSD impacts quality of life
   2. Identify the VA/DoD 2010 Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for assessing PTSD-related functional impairment
   3. Examine measures that assess psychosocial functioning among those with PTSD

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Coming soon.

Managing PTSD and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the VA/DoD 2010 clinical practice guideline recommendations for managing substance use disorders and PTSD through psychotherapy and pharmacology.

The presenters describe the co-occurrence of these conditions and identify evidence-based assessment and treatment strategies.

Author: Daniel Kivlahan, PhD and Debra Kaysen, PhD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Review evidence on co-occurrence of substance use disorders (SUD) and PTSD
   2. Identify key recommendations for integrated psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy treatment of SUD and PTSD from the VA/DoD 2010 PTSD Guideline
   3. Identify measures and methods for treatment monitoring related to PTSD and SUD
   4. Illustrate ways of addressing substance abuse in PTSD treatment

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Coming soon.

Physical Health Effects

The course Physical Health Effects of Traumatic Exposure provides a review of the physical health effects of traumatic exposure. Research findings from both civilian and military populations are featured. The author illustrates how a person's reaction--PTSD especially--mediates the effect of exposure and that there are plausible mechanisms through which PTSD could promote health.

Author: Paula P. Schnurr, PhD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Report the effects of trauma on physical health
   2. Relate the latest research findings related to the effects of traumatic exposure on the health of civilians and military Veterans
   3. Predict plausible mechanisms through which PTSD could promote poor health

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Read the brochure (PDF) required for this course, which lists specialties that may receive credit. See more on CE Credits.

Sleep Problems, Insomnia, and PTSD

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the VA/DoD 2010 clinical practice guideline recommendations for managing sleep problems and PTSD.

The presenters describe primary sleep disorders and comorbid conditions, as well as a general approach and evidence-based pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy interventions to treat these issues.

Author(s): Bruce Capehart, MD, MBA, and Jason DeViva, PhD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Review the 2010 VA/DoD PTSD Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations for medical management of insomnia
   2. Identify three comorbid conditions and three primary sleep disorders likely to affect sleep in Veterans with PTSD
   3. Describe the evidence base for three pharmacotherapies and three psychotherapies in the treatment of sleep problems related to PTSD
   4. Describe a general approach to assessing and treating sleep problems associated with PTSD

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Coming soon.

Integrated Smoking Cessation and PTSD Treatment

This presentation is meant to provide an overview of the negative effects of smoking, particularly on Veterans with PTSD, and to help providers understand the rationale for providing tobacco cessation treatment to patients.

The authors describe the rationale and evidence for integrating smoking cessation into PTSD treatment and provide an overview of psychological and pharmacological interventions.

Author: Miles McFall, PhD and Andrew J. Saxon, MD

Goals and Objectives

   1. Provide a rationale for tobacco cessation as a health care priority for Veterans with PTSD
   2. Understand the reasons and evidence for an integrated care approach for smoking cessation among smokers with PTSD
   3. Describe psychological and pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Read the brochure (PDF) required for this course, which lists specialties that may receive credit. See more on CE Credits.

Traumatic Brain Injury

The course Windows to the Brain: Neuropsychiatry of TBI examines the functional anatomy of emotion, memory, and behavior circuits, using graphics and figures. The author discusses types of injuries and common functioning deficits, as well as prevalence rates of TBI in OEF/OIF veterans. A discussion of PTSD and TBI is also provided, as well as an overview of assessment and treatment.

Author: Robin A. Hurley, MD, FANPA

Goals and Objectives

   1. Describe the functional anatomy of emotion, memory, and behavior circuits
   2. Report common functioning deficits in civilian brain injury
   3. Describe up-to-date assessment and treatment of TBI

Continuing Education (CE) Credits: Read the brochure (PDF) required for this course, which lists specialties that may receive credit. See more on CE Credits.

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